Search Results for friend of god

Found 427 Results for friend of god
The Women in Christ's Life: Mary Magdalene

People simply cannot believe that a woman could have been a close friend to Jesus. But I believe this is what Mary Magdalene had with him: a very deep and special friendship, a friendship that I can ...

Why Is 'I Am the Door' One of Jesus' Most Important 'I Am' Statements?

Emma Danzey

“I am the door” could be connected with a house, the context of John 10 is actually a gate entrance door to a pasture of sheep. ...

12 Easy Prayers to Say with Kids at Bedtime

Pamela Palmer

Passing along the Christian faith and teaching children about God is an essential responsibility of parents. The Bible teaches that parents should train their children up in the way they should go (se...

What are the Characteristics of a Wise Woman?

Kristi Walker

Think of a wise woman you know personally. What makes her wise in your mind? Perhaps she is knowledgeable, hospitable, charitable, loving, nurturing, self-controlled, kind, content, financially savv...

What Exactly is Worship According to the Bible?

Cindy Collier

Worship can be defined as “the reverence or adoration that one shows toward something or someone; holding a person or object in high esteem; or giving a person or an object a place of importance or ho...

5 Comforts God Offers Today That Will Truly Satisfy

Micah Maddox

We all seek comfort in some way. Maybe for you it's a hot cup of coffee, a favorite pair of socks, or a talk with a trusted friend. But even the best earthly comforts will fade. Not so with God. If yo...

4 Important Reminders from the Command "Get behind Me Satan"

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Satan is the great adversary of the church. He is clearly opposed to the will of God being accomplished in the earth. For the record, the way God chooses to accomplish his will in the earth is through...

How Christians Become Better Together

Frank Santora

If we are going to reach our potential as individuals and as the Body of Christ, and fulfill the assignment that God has for us, we must embrace the power of team. ...

What Christians Should Understand about the Abrahamic Covenant

Debbie W. Wilson

When you think of Abraham, what comes to mind? His physical descendants include the Jews and the Arabs. From Abraham came the three main religions of the world: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Jesus...

Skepticism and Unbelief behind the Verse "Physician, Heal Yourself"

Melissa Henderson

Reading or hearing the words of Scripture from the book of Luke can remind us of the deep love God has for His creations. The words 'Physician, heal yourself ‘(from Luke 4:23), may bring memories of o...

What Is Envy vs. Jealousy in the Bible?

Cathy Baker

What separates envy from jealousy in the Bible? Can of them be good, or are they always sinful? You'll be surprised to see what the Bible really says about envy and jealousy....

What Should We Look for When Making the Most Important Relationship Decision?

Frank Santora

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10...

6 Things We Must Consider as We Wait for God to Act

Sheila Alewine

A good friend often shares this reminder: God is never late, and rarely early; He is an on-time God. These are encouraging words for all of God’s people who believe in prayer and worship a sovere...

Who Is Theophilus and Why Are Two Books of the Bible Addressed to Him?

Hope Bolinger

Many of the New Testament books were originally letters, and like most letters, they begin with a greeting. The books of Luke and Acts are addressed to a man named Theophilus. But, that's about the fi...

How Does 'Every Good and Perfect Gift' Come from Above?

Jessica Udall

The Bible says in the book of James that “every good and perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17). But surely this doesn’t mean that the birthday gift from a friend or the drawing from our preschooler...

7 'Churchy' Words That Christians Don't Understand

John McKinley

Occasionally I find myself in a conversation with a non-Christian friend. Sometimes, I have to pay close attention to the language I use if the talk turns to things related to God and ultimate reali...

Joseph Powerfully Shows Us How to Respond to Betrayal

Frank Santora

Have you ever had a close friend abandon you in your hour of need? Or share a confidence that exposed, embarrassed, or hurt you? Has someone you loved and trusted intentionally hurt you?Betrayal is on...

Who Was Demas and What Do We Learn from His Errors?

Debbie W. Wilson

Perhaps the sacrifice of serving alongside Paul began to wear on him. He saw other men his age settling down and enjoying the pleasures of this life. Would it be so wrong to sample the good life?...

10 Bible Names of God to Know from the Old Testament

Heather Riggleman

There is great power in a name. Names have a way of creating an identity and it’s how we are known by those around us. So what’s in a name? A lot, especially when it comes to God and his character. Le...