Search Results for i am what i am

Found 1136 Results for i am what i am
7 Truths to Prepare for a God-Honoring Marriage during Your Engagement

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

If you are engaged, I want to congratulate you for desiring to get married. After your decision to follow Christ, the person you choose to marry is the next most important decision you will make in th...

Why Does Isaiah Encourage Us to Not Be Afraid?

Ashley Hooker

So, why should we not be afraid? Why should we have no fear even when we face life-or-death circumstances? Because God said so. Isaiah 41:10 says, “So do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed...

3 Empowering Reminders as We Seek Grace for the Grind

Frank Santora

Paul was not boasting, rather he was trying to protect new Christians who were being led astray from the faith by some false apostles. In doing so he gives us some tremendous insight into the Christia...

10 Easy Tips for Journaling through Scripture

Micah Maddox

I have always loved a new journal and a fancy pen. There is something special about putting those first words on the page and filling each of the pages with thoughts, Scripture, and prayers. I find jo...

When Grace Becomes Our Calling

Lianna Davis

The book of Jude is one of the shortest in the Bible, at just one chapter. However, this letter has plenty to say about our gift of salvation. Follow along as we break down two of Jude's most encourag...

Prayers for Anxiousness ToTrade Worry and Fear for God's Peace

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

When the world feels out of control, we can turn to prayer to focus and calm our thoughts on God's promises. Praying is an effective way to surrender your worries and fears to God and replace them wit...

The Jesus of Christmas Past, Present, and Future

Debbie W. Wilson

The thought of God entering the world as an infant is staggering. But that was only the beginning. Jesus’s mission always included the cross (1 Peter 1:18-20). The baby in the manger was the lamb of G...

How Can We "Be Still and Know" during COVID-19?

Debbie W. Wilson

The COVID-19 virus brought most of the world to a grinding halt as schools and businesses closed and the stock market plunged. However, restricted movement isn’t the same as being still. Many hearts h...

4 Practical Prayers for Deliverance

Bethany Verrett

Deliverance is bringing someone from a place of destruction, negativity, or sin and taking them out of it and into a place of safety, strength, and spiritual healing. The Bible promises that if someon...

What Love Looks Like According to 1 Corinthians 13

Heather Adams

There are many different kinds of love. But the one the Apostle Paul seems to be most focused on, especially in this chapter of 1 Corinthians, is agape love. But this selfless affection is something t...

Why Did God Make Mankind?

Heather Adams

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” (Psalm 139:13-14).King David’s words celebrate the truth that God...

8 Reasons Memorizing Scripture is Vitally Important to Our Faith

Scott Slayton

Recently, I ran across this post about Vern Poythress’ Scripture memory habits. While I had been faithful in my own personal Scripture memory the last couple of years, late last year I started slackin...

Why Does Ezekiel Curse Seven Cities?

Hope Bolinger

Throughout Ezekiel, we find a number of curses called down upon various groups of people. Although this may seem odd in lieu of the text showing how God will pour his wrath upon Judah, it makes sens...

8 Verses to Deepen Your Faith When You Feel Afraid

Micah Maddox

While we all wrestle with our own fears, there is one common place we can run to when fear gets ahold of our hearts. God’s Word offers truth, promises, and prayers as remedy to cure the heart of the u...

What Does the Bible Say about Gray Hair?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The Bible is clear that we should show respect for the elderly. There is much we can learn from those who are older and who have walked with God for a long time. Many elderly people have legacies of G...

Making an Idol of Ministry

Henri Nouwen once said that the main obstacle to loving God is service for God. This is ministry idolatry—not agreeing with Jesus that he has the rightful first place in our affections...

What to Do When We Find Ourselves Working for God’s Approval

Mike Leake

Could I, with straight face, say to my children, “I find you acceptable only when you do your chores”? Could I expect to have a growing relationship with my wife if I said, “I find you acceptable when...

5 Prayers for God’s Perfect Timing

Lisa Loraine Baker

When we begin with a me-centered vision, we will always experience dissatisfaction. We expect God to answer our prayers at the moment we petition Him to fulfill our need for immediate gratif...

6 Hebrew Words Every Believer Should Know

Mike Leake

“You sit over there in that holler, and I’ll try to run a deer over to ya.”“The what?!?”“The holler. Over yonder.”Some of our readers are visualizing a place out in the woods, the low place where if o...