Search Results for "lord god"

Found 202 Results for "lord god"
What Does the Bible Say about Heathens?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

If someone calls you a "heathen," you may not understand what it means. In the Bible, a heathen has a particular meaning connected to your relationship with God....

What Is the Meaning of Palm Sunday and Why Celebrate it?

Many Christians celebrate a holy event known as Palm Sunday. This event commemorates when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, right before his death. ...

What Is the Significance of the First Commandment?

Emma Danzey

How can you find freedom in knowing that Jesus fulfilled the Law for you? When we love the Lord with all of our beings, we can live out the ten commandments, but it all starts with the first commandme...

What Is the Significance of the Pishon River in the Bible?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The Pishon River is the first among the four rivers named that stem from the division of the river found in the Garden of Eden. ...

Is "Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin" in the Bible?

Vivian Bricker

Even though our human ability to love is unreliable, God's love for us never varies. He loves us despite all our sins and flaws because He is God. ...

So What Is Habakkuk All About?

Pamela Palmer

The book of Habakkuk may be one of the shortest books in the Bible, but its impact and relevance is significant. This book is about having faith in God even when the suffering and injustice in the wor...

What Do We Learn from Reading Jesus’ Genealogy?

Heather Adams

Honestly, I used to be confused and put off by these “family trees” myself. But as I started to read more of the Bible, they started to come alive.  Each member is part of a beautiful tapestry wo...

What Does God Mean When He Says No Good Thing Will He Withhold?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Is God talking about money when he says that "no good thing will he withhold" from righteous people?...

When You Pray, Let It Be a Time of Worship

Heather Adams

Prayer is the most intimate way we have of connecting to God. It is an incredible privilege to lift up our thoughts, needs, concerns, and even questions and doubts. Each of those are important to God....

What Does Substitutionary Atonement Mean?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Salvation comes by only one means, and that is by placing your complete faith and trust in this finished work of Jesus Christ. You must acknowledge him as Savior and Lord and recognize what he did is ...

How Daniel’s Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The 70 weeks in Daniel are one of the most important prophecies to study in the Old Testament. One reason is because it ties together so many other prophetic words we find in Scripture and helps us to...

What Is a Benediction?

Mike Leake

A benediction is far more important than just a closing prayer to cap off your worship service. The benediction is an important part of what we do each week. It is a reminder of the faithfulness of Ch...

When Will the Second Coming of Jesus Happen?

Lancelot Tucker

We know that the second coming of Jesus is imminent, but will it be soon? If so, what should we know about it?...

What Is a Leviathan Spirit and How Can You Identify It?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Much of what we know about the characteristics of a leviathan spirit come from theologians and biblical scholars. More than likely this type of spirit is linked to a principality. ...

Who Was Jesse in the Bible?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Jesse was an ordinary man, from a small clan, and out of his seed came the greatest natural king Israel ever had, David. Also, from the line of David came the King of all kings, the One who is greater...

What Does Esther Mean “for Such a Time as This”?

Jessica Brodie

Today, when we face difficulties, we too might fear jeopardizing our position if we take a stand for our faith. But when we’re called to have courage and stand up for what is right, and we go about it...

Why Are the First Two Commandments Separate?

Pamela Palmer

The first two commandments are certainly similar, as they both establish that God alone is God. However, they are separated into two commandments because they teach two distinct concepts. ...

Your Guide to the Top 10 Most Extraordinary Mothers of the Bible

Liz Kanoy

These mothers were strong in the Lord, and they gave everything they had for their children....

When God Calls

The man Jonah is indeed like us in a number of ways. Learning to identify with him is our key to the meaning of his story—and our big mistake if we fail to do so....

Assurance of God's Love

This is where the faith journey starts: understanding that God loves you. If you do not have an assurance of God’s love, your faith journey will not last long. ...