Search Results for woman

Found 198 Results for woman
Guard Your Heart

Matthew 5:27-32...

Birth in a Grave

Human tragedy is never ultimate. Purpose often springs out of chaos and light from the darkness. ...


The wives who lived within the walls of Weinsberg Castle in Germany were aware of the riches it held: gold, silver, jewels -- wealth beyond belief. The day came in 1141 AD when all their treasure was ...


The little Ball City Baptist Church near the tiny town of Luck, North Carolina, has been closed for years. Young people moved way from the community. The older members died out one by one. But if you ...


The wives who lived within the walls of Weinsberg Castle in Germany were aware of the riches it held: gold, silver, jewels -- wealth beyond belief. The day came in 1141 AD when all their treasure was ...


One of the most popular Celtic bands in the world is Clannad. Their music has been featured in movies like Patriot Games and Last of the Mohicans. The lead singer with the distinctive, haunting voice ...

Marriage Commended

Another reason for where our young people are today is the lack of intimacy. A little over a year ago I debated the co-founder of Playboy on television for three hours. He agreed with me on this point...

Sustaining Providence

Fanny Crosby The famous blind songwriter Fanny Crosby wrote more that 8,000 songs. This fact and other interesting highlights in the life of Miss Crosby were revealed by Warren Wiersbe in his book V...


At a flower shop in rural West Virginia, Campbell's Creek, an isolated mining hollow, the owner is a chap named Bill Grayolis, 41. A while back Mr. Grayolis lost weight and whispers started ar...


Rigby In the late 1800's and early 1900's, Alexander Whyte pastored a large church in Edinburgh. During that time, a salesman by the name of Rigby would travel to Edinburgh regularly just to hear h...

So, You're Preaching This Sunday...

Let’s suppose you’re a pastor and you’re preaching this Sunday. That’s six days away. To the man or woman in the pew, that seems like a long time, but it’s not. Perhaps you’ve heard of the Preacher’s ...

Illustration: Love, Be Sure to Demonstrate It

A wife need to see firsthand her husband's affection....

Illustration: Materialism

It should have been the opportunity of a lifetime for ex-con, Abraham Shakespeare. In 2006, he won $30 million in the Florida lottery. He didn’t think the money would change him. Just three years late...

Old Age

"The world stands aside," said David Jordan, "to let anyone pass who knows where he is going." This applies to those, who learn where they are going late in life as well as for the young. At age 53, M...

Top Ten Things People Won't Say When...

Top Ten Things People Won't Say When They See the Christian Bumper Sticker or More Subtle Fish Symbol On Your Car: 10. "Look! Let's stop that car and ask those folks how we can become Christians." 9. ...


Protect Your Child 1. Keep your child in sight at all times; when your child is away from you, know whom he or she is with and where. 2. Teach your child not to wander off and to avoid lonely places....

Holy Spirit

Once when my parents were visiting our home in Indiana, we took them to Lake Michigan. It was a real delight, especially for my eleven-year-old sister, who had never seen such a large body of water...


One of the most popular Celtic bands in the world is Clannad. Their music has been featured in movies like Patriot Games and Last of the Mohicans. The lead singer with the distinctive, haunting voi...

Mothers - To Be Honored

Did you know that the idea for Mother's Day was born in a small Methodist church in Grafton, West Virginia? It was 1876 and the nation still mourned the Civil War dead. While teaching a Memori...