Filippenzen 1

1 Paulus en Timotheus, dienstknechten van Jezus Christus, al den heiligen in Christus Jezus, die te Filippi zijn, met de opzieners en diakenen:
2 Genade zij u en vrede van God, onzen Vader, en den Heere Jezus Christus.
3 Ik dank mijn God, zo dikwijls als ik uwer gedenk.
4 (Te allen tijd in al mijn gebed voor u allen met blijdschap het gebed doende)
5 Over uw gemeenschap aan het Evangelie, van den eersten dag af tot nu toe;
6 Vertrouwende ditzelve, dat Hij, Die in u een goed werk begonnen heeft, dat voleindigen zal tot op den dag van Jezus Christus;
7 Gelijk het bij mij recht is, dat ik van u allen dit gevoel, omdat ik in mijn hart houde, dat gij, beide in mijn banden, en in mijn verantwoording en bevestiging van het Evangelie, gij allen, zeg ik, mijner genade mede deelachtig zijt.
8 Want God is mijn Getuige, hoezeer ik begerig ben naar u allen, met innerlijke bewegingen van Jezus Christus.
9 En dit bid ik God, dat uw liefde nog meer en meer overvloedig worde in erkentenis en alle gevoelen;
10 Opdat gij beproeft de dingen, die daarvan verschillen, opdat gij oprecht zijt, en zonder aanstoot te geven, tot den dag van Christus;
11 Vervuld met vruchten der gerechtigheid, die door Jezus Christus zijn tot heerlijkheid en prijs van God.
12 En ik wil, dat gij weet, broeders, dat hetgeen aan mij is geschied, meer tot bevordering van het Evangelie gekomen is;
13 Alzo dat mijn banden in Christus openbaar geworden zijn in het ganse rechthuis, en aan alle anderen;
14 En dat het meerder deel der broederen in den Heere, door mijn banden vertrouwen gekregen hebbende, overvloediger het Woord onbevreesd durven spreken.
15 Sommigen prediken ook wel Christus door nijd en twist, maar sommigen ook door goedwilligheid.
16 Genen verkondigen wel Christus uit twisting, niet zuiver, menende aan mijn banden verdrukking toe te brengen;
17 Doch dezen uit liefde, dewijl zij weten, dat ik tot verantwoording van het Evangelie gezet ben.
18 Wat dan? Nochtans wordt Christus op allerlei wijze, hetzij onder een deksel, hetzij in der waarheid, verkondigd; en daarin verblijd ik mij, ja, ik zal mij ook verblijden.
19 Want ik weet, dat dit mij ter zaligheid gedijen zal, door uw gebed en toebrenging des Geestes van Jezus Christus.
20 Volgens mijn ernstige verwachting en hoop, dat ik in geen zaak zal beschaamd worden; maar dat in alle vrijmoedigheid, gelijk te allen tijd, alzo ook nu, Christus zal groot gemaakt worden in mijn lichaam, hetzij door het leven, hetzij door den dood.
21 Want het leven is mij Christus, en het sterven is mij gewin.
22 Maar of te leven in het vlees, hetzelve mij oorbaar zij, en wat ik verkiezen zal, weet ik niet.
23 Want ik word van deze twee gedrongen, hebbende begeerte, om ontbonden te worden en met Christus te zijn; want dat is zeer verre het beste.
24 Maar in het vlees te blijven, is nodiger om uwentwil.
25 En dit vertrouw en weet ik, dat ik zal blijven, en met u allen zal verblijven tot uw bevordering en blijdschap des geloofs;
26 Opdat uw roem in Christus Jezus overvloedig zij aan mij, door mijn tegenwoordigheid wederom bij u.
27 Alleenlijk wandelt waardiglijk het Evangelie van Christus, opdat, hetzij ik kom en u zie, hetzij ik afwezig ben, ik van uw zaken moge horen, dat gij staat in een geest, met een gemoed gezamenlijk strijdende door het geloof des Evangelies;
28 En dat gij in geen ding verschrikt wordt van degenen, die tegenstaan; hetwelk hun wel een bewijs is des verderfs, maar u der zaligheid, en dat van God.
29 Want u is uit genade gegeven in de zaak van Christus, niet alleen in Hem te geloven, maar ook voor Hem te lijden;
30 Denzelfden strijd hebbende, hoedanigen gij in mij gezien hebt, en nu in mij hoort.

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Filippenzen 1 Commentary

Chapter 1

The Philippians felt a very deep interest for the apostle. The scope of the epistle is to confirm them in the faith, to encourage them to walk as becomes the gospel of Christ, to caution them against judaizing teachers, and to express gratitude for their Christian bounty. This epistle is the only one, among those written by St. Paul, in which no censures are implied or expressed. Full commendation and confidence are in every part, and the Philippians are addressed with a peculiar affection, which every serious reader will perceive.

The apostle offers up thanksgivings and prayers, for the good work of grace in the Philippians. (1-7) He expresses affection, and prays for them. (8-11) Fortifies them against being cast down at his sufferings. (12-20) He stood prepared for glorifying Christ by life, or death. (21-26) Exhortations to zeal, and constancy in professing the gospel. (27-30)

Verses 1-7 The highest honour of the most eminent ministers is, to be servants of Christ. And those who are not really saints on earth, never will be saints in heaven. Out of Christ, the best saints are sinners, and unable to stand before God. There is no peace without grace. Inward peace springs from a sense of Divine favour. And there is no grace and peace but from God our Father, the fountain and origin of all blessings. At Philippi the apostle was evil entreated, and saw little fruit of his labour; yet he remembers Philippi with joy. We must thank our God for the graces and comforts, gifts and usefulness of others, as we receive the benefit, and God receives the glory. The work of grace will never be perfected till the day of Jesus Christ, the day of his appearance. But we may always be confident God will perform his good work, in every soul wherein he has really begun it by regeneration; though we must not trust in outward appearances, nor in any thing but a new creation to holiness. People are dear to their ministers, when they receive benefit by their ministry. Fellow-sufferers in the cause of God should be dear one to another.

Verses 8-11 Shall not we pity and love those souls whom Christ loves and pities? Those who abound in any grace, need to abound more. Try things which differ; that we may approve the things which are excellent. The truths and laws of Christ are excellent; and they recommend themselves as such to any attentive mind. Sincerity is that in which we should have our conversation in the world, and it is the glory of all our graces. Christians should not be apt to take offence, and should be very careful not to offend God or the brethren. The things which most honour God will most benefit us. Let us not leave it doubtful whether any good fruit is found in us or not. A small measure of Christian love, knowledge, and fruitfulness should not satisfy any.

Verses 12-20 The apostle was a prisoner at Rome; and to take off the offence of the cross, he shows the wisdom and goodness of God in his sufferings. These things made him known, where he would never have otherwise been known; and led some to inquire after the gospel. He suffered from false friends, as well as from enemies. How wretched the temper of those who preached Christ out of envy and contention, and to add affliction to the bonds that oppressed this best of men! The apostle was easy in the midst of all. Since our troubles may tend to the good of many, we ought to rejoice. Whatever turns to our salvation, is by the Spirit of Christ; and prayer is the appointed means of seeking for it. Our earnest expectation and hope should not be to be honoured of men, or to escape the cross, but to be upheld amidst temptation, contempt, and affliction. Let us leave it to Christ, which way he will make us serviceable to his glory, whether by labour or suffering, by diligence or patience, by living to his honour in working for him, or dying to his honour in suffering for him.

Verses 21-26 Death is a great loss to a carnal, worldly man, for he loses all his earthly comforts and all his hopes; but to a true believer it is gain, for it is the end of all his weakness and misery. It delivers him from all the evils of life, and brings him to possess the chief good. The apostle's difficulty was not between living in this world and living in heaven; between these two there is no comparison; but between serving Christ in this world and enjoying him in another. Not between two evil things, but between two good things; living to Christ and being with him. See the power of faith and of Divine grace; it can make us willing to die. In this world we are compassed with sin; but when with Christ, we shall escape sin and temptation, sorrow and death, for ever. But those who have most reason to desire to depart, should be willing to remain in the world as long as God has any work for them to do. And the more unexpected mercies are before they come, the more of God will be seen in them.

Verses 27-30 Those who profess the gospel of Christ, should live as becomes those who believe gospel truths, submit to gospel laws, and depend upon gospel promises. The original word "conversation" denotes the conduct of citizens who seek the credit, safety, peace, and prosperity of their city. There is that in the faith of the gospel, which is worth striving for; there is much opposition, and there is need of striving. A man may sleep and go to hell; but he who would go to heaven, must look about him and be diligent. There may be oneness of heart and affection among Christians, where there is diversity of judgment about many things. Faith is God's gift on the behalf of Christ; the ability and disposition to believe are from God. And if we suffer reproach and loss for Christ, we are to reckon them a gift, and prize them accordingly. Yet salvation must not be ascribed to bodily afflictions, as though afflictions and worldly persecutions deserved it; but from God only is salvation: faith and patience are his gifts.

Chapter Summary


Philippi was a Roman colony, and the chief city of one part of Macedonia, Ac 16:12, it is by Appianus called Datos which was its original name; and by Diodorus Siculus it is called Crenidae {a}, from, the fountains about it; and it took its name Philippi, from Philip king of Macedon, father of Alexander the great, who rebuilt and fortified it; near this place a famous battle was fought, and a victory obtained by Augustus Caesar and Mark Antony, over Brutus and Cassius; it is now called Chrixopolis, properly Chrysopolis, from the plenty of golden mines near it: here the apostle was directed by a vision, to go and preach the Gospel; and which was succeeded, to the conversion of Lydia, and the jailer, and their families; which laid the foundation of a Gospel church in this place, to whom this epistle is written; and which was written by the apostle when he was a prisoner at Rome, as many things in it show; for he more than once makes mention of his bonds, and of these being made manifest in Caesar's palace, and of some of Caesar's household sending their Christian salutations to this church: Dr. Hammond makes the date of this epistle to be the year 59, and Dr. Lightfoot places it in the year 60, and the sixth of Nero; the occasion of it was this, the Philippians, to whom the apostle was very dear, he being the first preacher of the Gospel to them, and the instrument of their conversion, hearing that he was a prisoner at Rome, send their minister and pastor Epaphroditus to him, to visit him, and by him a present to support him under his afflicted circumstances, and who related to him the case of this church; and at his departure he sent by him this letter; the design of which is, to express his love and affection to them; to give them an account of his bonds, and the usefulness of them, and how he was supported under them; to encourage them under all the afflictions and persecutions, they endured for the sake of Christ; to excite them to love, unity, and peace, among themselves; to caution them against false teachers, judaizing Christians, that were for joining Moses and Christ, law and Gospel, works and grace together, in the business of salvation; to exhort them to a holy life and conversation, and to return them thanks for their kind present.

{a} Vid. Ptolom. Geograph. l. 3. c. 13.


This chapter contains the inscription of the epistle; the apostle's salutation of the Philippians; an account of his thanksgivings, prayers, and affection for them, and confidence of them; a narrative of his sufferings, and the use of them; and an exhortation to a conversation becoming the Gospel, to abide by it, and suffer cheerfully for it. The inscription is in Php 1:1, in which are mentioned by name the persons that subscribed the epistle, Paul and Timothy; and who are described by their character, servants of Jesus Christ; and also the persons to whom the epistle was sent, by the place of their abode, Philippi; the members of the church by their general character, saints in Christ Jesus; and the officers of it, by those that are peculiar to them as such, bishops and deacons: the salutation is in Php 1:2, and then follows a thanksgiving for them to God, which was made in prayer, and upon every remembrance of them at the throne of grace, and that for their constant fellowship in the Gospel, Php 1:3-5, and the apostle expresses his strong confidence of the good work of grace being begun in them, and of the performance of it, until the day of Christ; grounded upon a judgment of charity, and a belief of their being partakers of the same grace with himself, Php 1:6,7, and declares the most tender and affectionate love to them, for the truth of which he calls God to witness, Php 1:8, and as a proof of it, puts up several petitions for them; that they might have an increase of love, and spiritual knowledge, judgment, and sense, that so they might be capable of trying and approving things that differ, and which are the most excellent of them; that they might be sincere and harmless in their lives, and always doing good works in the strength of Christ, and to the glory of God, Php 1:9-11, next follows an account of his bonds and imprisonment, and the usefulness of them, as that they were for the further spread of the Gospel in many places, and even in Caesar's palace, Php 1:12,13, yea, by means of them several of the ministering brethren were the more emboldened to preach the Gospel without fear of men; though there was a difference among them, some preached Christ of envy, strife, and contention, thinking to add to the apostle's troubles, and others, of good will, and of love to the apostle, who they knew was set for the defence of the Gospel, Php 1:14-17, upon all which the apostle gives his sentiments, and makes his reflections, that whatever were the views of some men in preaching, it was, and ever would be, constant matter of joy to him that Christ was preached, Php 1:18, yea, he was satisfied, that the ill designed by some to him would be overruled for his good, by means of the prayers of the saints, and the supply of the Spirit; for he had a pure and well grounded hope and expectation, that he should never be brought to shame and confusion, but that Christ would be magnified in him living and dying; for he knew that both his life, and his death, would be gain to Christ, or that it would be for the glory of Christ for him to live, and his own gain should he die, Php 1:19-21, which put him in a strait what was most eligible in this case, whether, to live in the flesh, or depart out of the world; seeing to live in the flesh, and labour in the ministry, were fruitful and profitable, and more necessary and useful for the churches of Christ, and to die, and be with Christ, were better for himself, Php 1:22-24, but upon maturely weighing things on both sides, like one of a truly noble public spirit, he inclines to the former; nay, is persuaded, that he should continue longer to be an instrument of increasing the faith and joy of the Lord's people, which he knew would abound in Christ on his account, should he be restored again, Php 1:25,26, and then he concludes the chapter with an exhortation to the Philippians, to order their conversation agreeably to the Gospel of Christ, and to continue firm and unanimous in it, and use their utmost endeavours to keep it themselves, and spread it among others, Php 1:27, being not daunted and intimidated by the persecutions of men, which to the persecutors was a sign of perdition, looked darkly, and with an ill aspect upon them, but to the persecuted was a token that they had an interest in that salvation which is of God, Php 1:28, for as it is a gift of grace to believe in Christ, so likewise to suffer for him, Php 1:29, to which the apostle animates them by his own example, that which they were called unto being no other than what they had seen endured by him, and had heard concerning high, Php 1:30.

Filippenzen 1 Commentaries

The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.