Isaiah 41:9

9 in quo adprehendi te ab extremis terrae et a longinquis eius vocavi te et dixi tibi servus meus es tu elegi te et non abieci te

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Isaiah 41:9 Meaning and Commentary

Isaiah 41:9

Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth
Meaning not Abraham, nor his natural seed; but such who believed in Christ, who dwelt in the furthest parts of the earth, to whom the Gospel came, and by which they were laid hold upon, and apprehended by Christ as his own: and called thee from the chief men thereof;
from among the great men of the earth, out of their families, courts, and palaces: or rather called them by grace, when such personages were passed by and left; not many noble, not many mighty, being called in those times, ( 1 Corinthians 1:26 ) : and said unto thee, thou art my servant;
and not only called them by the name, but made them such in reality: adding, I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away;
nor does the Lord cast away any whom he has chosen and foreknown; and therefore being thus dear to God, as all the above titles and acts of grace show, and being secured by him from perishing or being eternally lost, this should encourage them to suffer persecution patiently for his name's sake, and not be afraid of any of their enemies, as follows.

Isaiah 41:9 In-Context

7 confortabit faber aerarius percutiens malleo eum qui cudebat tunc temporis dicens glutino bonum est et confortavit eum in clavis ut non moveatur
8 et tu Israhel serve meus Iacob quem elegi semen Abraham amici mei
9 in quo adprehendi te ab extremis terrae et a longinquis eius vocavi te et dixi tibi servus meus es tu elegi te et non abieci te
10 ne timeas quia tecum sum ego ne declines quia ego Deus tuus confortavi te et auxiliatus sum tui et suscepi te dextera iusti mei
11 ecce confundentur et erubescent omnes qui pugnant adversum te erunt quasi non sint et peribunt viri qui contradicunt tibi
The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.