How – and Why – Do We Pray for Our Government and Leaders?

Contributing Writer
How – and Why – Do We Pray for Our Government and Leaders?

“Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good…” (Titus 3:1).

Praying for our leaders is good – a quiet but powerful ministry that can have an impact both locally and nationally. Whether our culture is flourishing or struggling, leaders at every level need the wisdom, compassion, and strength that only God can provide.

Lifting up requests for others we agree with and who serve as we would like is easy. But God calls us to pray for all leaders, not just for those we think are doing things well. Being obedient to His will means looking beyond our differences and seeking the good of those leading us.

Photo credit: Unsplash/Andy Feliciotti

What Does the Bible Say about the Government and Our Leaders?

Bible on top of the American flag

From its earliest days, the nation of Israel wanted a human ruler. God provided judges, prophets, and priests to fill that role. But eventually, He set an actual king in place - the young man Saul. 

“Samuel said to all the people, ‘Do you see the man the Lord has chosen? There is no one like him among all the people.’ Then the people shouted, ‘Long live the king!’ Samuel explained to the people the rights and duties of kingship. He wrote them down on a scroll and deposited it before the Lord” (1 Samuel 10:24-25).

God’s intent was for any earthly leader to govern the people righteously in spiritual as well as moral matters. They were given the responsibility of being a channel between The Lord and His people and were expected to:

- Be strong messengers of His commandments

- Be living examples of His Ways

- Be clear reflections of His values

And from the first time God provided leaders, He called the nation to pray for them. Some verses in the book of Proverbs offer ideas for what makes good government, and can serve as prompts for lifting up those who are in those positions.

“For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers” (Proverbs 11:14).

“When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers, but a ruler with discernment and knowledge maintains order” (Proverbs 28:2).

“When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan” (Proverbs 29:2).

“By justice a king gives a country stability, but those who are greedy for bribes tear it down” (Proverbs 29:4).

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Why We Should Pray for Them?

Family with teenage girls praying together outside

Lifting up our leaders ought to be a part of every believer’s prayer time. Our Father in Heaven knows seeking their good will benefit us, too. And, more importantly, it will make a way for Him to work in their hearts and minds.

God expects to be acknowledged as sovereign and supreme over earthly leaders.

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God” (Romans 13:1).

God calls us to give leaders prayer support.

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

God desires us to give leaders a measure of our respect.

“Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you” (Hebrews 13:7).

God wants to provide every leader with more wisdom, clarity and grace.

“He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning” (Daniel 2:21).

God hears our prayers, and can bless our leaders and those they serve.

“Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper” (Jeremiah 29:7).

Whatever leader we decide to lift up, we must approach our prayers with humility and submission to the Lord. For He is and forever has been the King of Kings who holds the universe by His Word. Scripture confirms this truth over and over.

“The Israelites said to Gideon, ‘Rule over us — you, your son and your grandson — because you have saved us from the hand of Midian.’ But Gideon told them, ‘I will not rule over you, nor will my son rule over you. The Lord will rule over you’” (Judges 8:22-23).

“In the Lord’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water
that he channels toward all who please him” (Proverbs 21:1).

“‘Do you refuse to speak to me?’ Pilate said. ‘Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?’ Jesus answered, ‘You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above’” (John 19:10-11).

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1. A Prayer for the President

The White House

Holy God,

The position of president holds incredibly large responsibilities. So, I pray for Your 

grace upon him to handle the stresses that come with the job. Surround him with advisors that seek Your wisdom, Father. Grant him health for his body and mind. And make him to be a stable, calming presence for this country.

In Jesus’ name,


2. A Prayer for Our Senators and Congresspeople


We elect those in Congress to represent us. So I ask that You would bless the legislative branch with Your insight. Let them have a common purpose among them of seeking the good of our country. Give each of them a renewed sense of true concern for those they serve, and a desire to work together. 

I pray this in Jesus’ name,


3. A Prayer for the Governor


You hold love for those who lead us in every region of the country. Please meet the needs of every state governor and his or her family. Let them clearly see their state’s particular strengths and weaknesses. Then, anoint them with Your vision of what their state can become, and how to reach that potential.

In Jesus’ name,


4. A Prayer for Community Leaders

Father God,

Those who work on the community level deal with all sorts of important local issues. So I pray You would grant them the energy and stamina they need to do the work well. Encourage them as they face any obstacles to reaching their goals. And, Lord, equip them to help build up the citizens and business life of their areas in a way that pleases You.

I pray this in Jesus’ name,


Photo credit: Unsplash/Rene Deanda

5. A Prayer for Newly Elected Leaders

Line of voting booths

Abba Father,

Thank You for those You have newly put in place to lead. Please protect them from being distracted or discouraged as they set to work. Help them to firmly stand for right values, even among others who disagree with or debate them.

And keep them close-knit with their families, and most especially with You.

In Jesus’ name,


6. A Prayer for Church Leaders


Your Word has many lessons for those who lead in spiritual matters. So, I pray that Scripture would inspire and encourage them. Let them be willing to seek support and accountability from Your people. Grant them the boldness to stand for their faith everywhere they go, so that You will be known more out in the world.

I pray this in Jesus’ name,


7. A Prayer for Our Leaders at Work

Father in Heaven,

Leaders in business have so many duties to juggle. So I ask that You would guide them in how to handle business in a way that aligns with Your Will. Let them create an environment where their employees can grow in their abilities and skills, for that brings profit to their company. And grant them moments of rest, when they can let their burdens down.

In Jesus’ name,


8. A Prayer for School Officials and School Board Members


School leadership has never been more important. So for those who hold these positions, I pray that You would give them a sincere love for the children and parents they serve. Let their discussions and times of voting be led by a sense of Your compassion and care. And may their decisions be based on guarding the health of the school’s teachers, staff, and children.

I pray in Jesus’ name,


Lifting up prayers for those who govern us is really part of living in a Godly way. So, let’s all join together in asking for God to make His presence known to and through those who lead us.

“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor” (1 Peter 2:13-17).

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Hermosa Wave

Heather Adams 1200x1200Heather Adams is an author, speaker, and singer living in Connecticut. Heather’s passion is to equip and encourage believers to seek more of God’s truth and to experience more of His joy each day. Her book, Bow Down: The Heart of a True Worshipper is a practical, 30-day devotional about worship based on the writings of King David. Heather's blog, Worship Walk Ministries, offers weekly Scripture passages and insights to ponder. A native New Englander, Heather is settling into her home in the South, trying out local foods and watching for the alligators that live nearby!