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Found 108 Results for country

A recent issue of US News & World Report featured a story entitled "Faith in America: In troubled times, how Americans' views of religion are changing."...

Faith And Prayer

Golfer Arnold Palmer once played a series of exhibition matches in Saudi Arabia. The king was so impressed that he proposed to give Palmer a gift. Palmer demurred; "It really isn't necessary, Your Hig...

Qualified for What You're Doing?

During a trip to Lancaster, Penn., I once had dinner in an Amish home, where I heard about their unusual procedure for choosing a pastor. ...


A recent issue of US News & World Report featured a story entitled "Faith in America: In troubled times, how Americans' views of religion are changing." Throughout the article several polls reported C...


In a recent sermon, John Huffman noted, "There are all kinds of fears that we confront in our everyday living. I remember an article featured in Time magazine titled "Flying Scared." It was an expos&...

Illustration: Integrity

In his book The President is a Sick Man, Matthew Alge tells the story of a man who in August of 1893 wrote a story in which he claimed the President of the United States Grover Cleveland had cancer. H...

King Of Kings

Recently the body of Ethiopia's King Haile Selassie was reburied. He had claimed to be descended from King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. He was revered as a god by the Rastafarian sect. During his l...

War Is Too Costly

Some months ago the New York Times published a piece by Thomas L. Friedman, in which he noted that no two countries that both have a McDonald's restaurant have ever fought a war against each other. He...


Stars Say, Yes! In Michigan, in four cities that studied junior high and high school girls, it was found that the girls watch an average of two and a half to three hours of soap operas per day, and th...


"I recall, as a little barefoot boy with a cowlick of snow-white hair on my forehead, standing erect in my classroom and repeating the "Pledge of Allegiance" one Thanksgiving season. Our nation was at...

Faith Honored

In Anaheim, California is a piece of property that is nothing short of remarkable. Fifty years ago not a person alive would have ever dreamed that millions of folks from around the world would come an...

If I Only Knew More

Philip Nation

Have you ever met that guy who just knew more than everyone else in the room? Or wanted to prove it? Does knowing any of this make you feel better about life and eternity? No, as Ecclesiastes shows....

Respect of Persons

In the late 1800's, St. Paul's School in London was considered quite prestigious. Even so, a mother, thinking of entering her son, wrote to Frederick Walker, the high Master, wondering about the socia...

The Cost Of Evangelism

We are always impressed with the fervor of the apostle Paul. Nothing could keep him from winning souls to the Lord Jesus Christ. When they put him in jail he converted the jailer. What is less well kn...

Analogies & Metaphors

Not everyone quite gets the idea of metaphor and analogy. Here are some examples taken from high school essays (and provided by ~ Her face was a perfect oval, like a circle tha...

Mothers - To Be Honored

Did you know that the idea for Mother's Day was born in a small Methodist church in Grafton, West Virginia? It was 1876 and the nation still mourned the Civil War dead. While teaching a Memori...

Illustration: Struggle

In a recent issue of his One Minute Uplift newsletter, Rick Ezell writes: "The pages of history are lined with individuals encountering negative setbacks only to make something positive out of them. T...

Death, Hope & Heaven

Here's an illustration from based on the third installment in The Lord of the Rings trilogy: The Return of the King. The Big Idea: The hope of heaven is the death of fear. Scene Setu...

Ice Cream is Good for the Soul

Last week I took my children to a restaurant. My six-year-old son asked if he could say grace. As we bowed our heads he said, "God is good. God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank...