Esodo 14

1 E il Signore parlò a Mosè, dicendo:
2 Di’ a’ figliuoli d’Israele, che si rivolgano, e si accampino dinanzi alla foce d’Hirot, fra Migdol e il mare, dirincontro a Baal-sefon; ponete campo presso al mare, dirimpetto a quel luogo.
3 E Faraone dirà de’ figliuoli d’Israele: Sono intrigati nel paese; il deserto ha lor serrato il passo.
4 Ed io indurerò il cuor di Faraone, talchè egli li perseguiterà, ed io sarò glorificato in Faraone e in tutto il suo esercito; e gli Egizj conosceranno ch’io sono il Signore. Ed essi fecero così.
5 Or fu rapportato al re di Egitto, che il popolo se ne fuggiva; e il cuore di Faraone e de’ suoi servitori si mutò inverso il popolo, e dissero: Che cosa è questo che noi abbiam fatto, di aver lasciato andar gl’Israeliti, per non servirci più?
6 E Faraone fece mettere i cavalli al suo carro, e prese la sua gente seco.
7 E prese seicento carri scelti, e tutti i carri dell’Egitto, sopra tutti i quali vi erano de’ capitani.
8 E il Signore indurò il cuor di Faraone, re di Egitto; ed egli perseguì i figliuoli di Israele, i quali se ne uscivano a mano alzata.
9 Gli Egizj adunque li perseguirono; e tutti i cavalli, e i carri di Faraone, e i suoi cavalieri, e il suo esercito, li raggiunsero, mentre erano accampati presso al mare, in su la foce d’Hirot, dirimpetto a Baal-sefon.
10 E quando Faraone fu vicino, i figliuoli d’Israele alzarono gli occhi; ed ecco, gli Egizj venivano dietro a loro; onde temettero grandemente, e gridarono al Signore.
11 E dissero a Mosè: Ci hai tu menati a morire nel deserto, perchè mancassero sepolture in Egitto? che cosa è questo che tu ci hai fatto, di averci fatti uscir di Egitto?
12 Non è egli ciò che noi ti dicevamo in Egitto, dicendo: Lasciaci stare, che serviamo agli Egizj? perciocchè meglio era per noi di servire agli Egizj, che di morir nel deserto.
13 E Mosè disse al popolo: Non temete; fermatevi, e state a vedere la liberazione del Signore, la quale oggi egli vi farà; perciocchè voi non vedrete mai più in eterno quegli Egizj che avete oggi veduti.
14 Il Signore combatterà per voi, e voi ve ne starete queti.
15 E il Signore disse a Mosè: Perchè gridi a me? di’ a’ figliuoli d’Israele che camminino.
16 E tu, alza la tua bacchetta, e stendi la tua mano sopra il mare, e fendilo; ed entrino i figliuoli di Israele dentro al mare per l’asciutto.
17 E quant’è a me, ecco, io induro il cuor degli Egizj, ed essi entreranno dietro a loro; ed io sarò glorificato in Faraone, e in tutto il suo esercito, e ne’ suoi carri, e nella sua cavalleria.
18 E gli Egizj sapranno che io sono il Signore, quando io mi sarò glorificato in Faraone, e ne’ suoi carri, e nella sua cavalleria.
19 Allora l’Angelo di Dio che andava davanti al campo degl’Israeliti, si partì, e andò dietro a loro; parimente la colonna della nuvola si partì d’innanzi a loro, e si fermò dietro a loro.
20 E venne fra il campo degli Egizj e il campo degl’Israeliti; e agli uni era nuvola e oscurità; e agli altri illuminava la notte; e l’un campo non si appressò all’altro in tutta quella notte.
21 E Mosè stese la sua mano sopra il mare; e il Signore fece con un potente vento orientale ritrarre il mare tutta quella notte; e ridusse il mare in asciutto, e l’acque furono spartite.
22 E i figliuoli d’Israele entrarono in mezzo al mare per l’asciutto; e l’acque erano loro a guisa di muro, a destra e a sinistra.
23 E gli Egizj li perseguirono; e tutti i cavalli di Faraone, e i suoi carri, e i suoi cavalieri, entrarono dietro a loro in mezzo al mare.
24 E avvenne, alla vigilia della mattina, che il Signore, dalla colonna del fuoco e della nuvola, riguardò verso il campo degli Egizj, e lo mise in rotta.
25 E, levate le ruote de’ lor carri, li conduceva pesantemente. E gli Egizj dissero: Fuggiamo d’innanzi agl’Israeliti; perciocchè il Signore combatte per loro contr’agli Egizj.
26 Allora il Signore disse a Mosè: Stendi la tua mano in sul mare, e l’acque ritorneranno sopra gli Egizj, e sopra i lor carri, e sopra i lor cavalieri.
27 Mosè adunque stese la sua mano in sul mare; e, in sul far della mattina, il mare ritornò al suo corso violento; e gli Egizj gli fuggivano incontro; ma il Signore li traboccò in mezzo al mare.
28 E l’acque ritornarono, e coprirono i carri e i cavalieri di tutto l’esercito di Faraone, i quali erano entrati dentro al mare dietro agl’Israeliti; e’ non iscampò di loro neppur uno.
29 Ma i figliuoli d’Israele camminarono per l’asciutto in mezzo al mare, e l’acque erano loro a guisa di muro a destra e a sinistra.
30 Così in quel giorno il Signore salvò gl’Israeliti dalle mani degli Egizj; e gli Israeliti videro gli Egizj morti in sul lito del mare.
31 E Israele vide la gran mano che il Signore avea adoperata contro agli Egizj, e temette il Signore, e credette al Signore e a Mosè suo servitore.

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Esodo 14 Commentary

Chapter 14

God directs the Israelites to Pihahiroth, Pharaoh pursues after them. (1-9) The Israelites murmur, Moses comforts them. (10-14) God instructs Moses, The cloud between the Israelites and the Egyptians. (15-20) The Israelites pass through the Red sea, which drowns the Egyptians. (21-31)

Verses 1-9 Pharaoh would think that all Israel was entangled in the wilderness, and so would become an easy prey. But God says, I will be honoured upon Pharaoh. All men being made for the honour of their Maker, those whom he is not honoured by, he will be honoured upon. What seems to tend to the church's ruin, is often overruled to the ruin of the church's enemies. While Pharaoh gratified his malice and revenge, he furthered the bringing to pass God's counsels concerning him. Though with the greatest reason he had let Israel go, yet now he was angry with himself for it. God makes the envy and rage of men against his people, a torment to themselves. Those who set their faces heavenward, and will live godly in Christ Jesus, must expect to be set upon by Satan's temptations and terrors. He will not tamely part with any out of his service.

Verses 10-14 There was no way open to Israel but upward, and thence their deliverance came. We may be in the way of duty, following God, and hastening toward heaven, yet may be troubled on every side. Some cried out unto the Lord; their fear led them to pray, and that was well. God brings us into straits, that he may bring us to our knees. Others cried out against Moses; fear set them murmuring as if God were not still able to work miracles. They quarrel with Moses for bringing them out of Egypt; and so were angry with God for the greatest kindness ever done them; thus gross are the absurdities of unbelief. Moses says, Fear ye not. It is always our duty and interest, when we cannot get out of troubles, yet to get above our fears; let them quicken our prayers and endeavours, but not silence our faith and hope. "Stand still," think not to save yourselves either by fighting or flying; wait God's orders, and observe them. Compose yourselves, by confidence in God, into peaceful thoughts of the great salvation God is about to work for you. If God brings his people into straits, he will find a way to bring them out.

Verses 15-20 Moses' silent prayers of faith prevailed more with God than Israel's loud outcries of fear. The pillar of cloud and fire came behind them, where they needed a guard, and it was a wall between them and their enemies. The word and providence of God have a black and dark side toward sin and sinners, but a bright and pleasant side toward the people of the Lord. He, who divided between light and darkness, ( Genesis 1:4 ) , allotted darkness to the Egyptians, and light to the Israelites. Such a difference there will be between the inheritance of the saints in light, and that utter darkness which will be the portion of hypocrites for ever.

Verses 21-31 The dividing the Red sea was the terror of the Canaanites, ( Joshua 2:9 ) ; the praise and triumph of the Israelites, ( Psalm 114:3 , Psalm 106:9 , Psalm 136:13 ) . It was a type of baptism, #1Co. 10:1, #1Co. 10:2 . Israel's passage through it was typical of the conversion of souls, ( Isaiah 11:15 ) ; and the Egyptians being drowned in it was typical of the final ruin of all unrepenting sinners. God showed his almighty power, by opening a passage through the waters, some miles over. God can bring his people through the greatest difficulties, and force a way where he does not find it. It was an instance of his wonderful favour to his Israel. They went through the sea, they walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea. This was done, in order to encourage God's people in all ages to trust him in the greatest straits. What cannot he do who did this? What will not he do for those that fear and love him, who did this for these murmuring, unbelieving Israelites? Then followed the just and righteous wrath of God upon his and his people's enemies. The ruin of sinners is brought on by their own rage and presumption. They might have let Israel alone, and would not; now they would flee from the face of Israel, and cannot. Men will not be convinced, till it is too late, that those who meddle with God's people, meddle to their own hurt. Moses was ordered to stretch out his hand over the sea; the waters returned, and overwhelmed all the host of the Egyptians. Pharaoh and his servants, who had hardened one another in sin, now fell together, not one escaped. The Israelites saw the Egyptians dead upon the sands. The sight very much affected them. While men see God's works, and feel the benefit, they fear him and trust in him. How well were it for us, if we were always in as good a frame as sometimes! Behold the end to which a Christian may look forward. His enemies rage, and are mighty; but while he holds fast by God, he shall pass the waves in safety guarded by that very power of his Saviour, which shall come down on every spiritual foe. The enemies of his soul whom he hath seen to-day, he shall see no more for ever.

Chapter Summary


This chapter begins with directions of God to Moses, to be given to the children of Israel about the course they were to steer in their journey, with the reason thereof, Ex 14:1-4, which they observing, a report was brought to Pharaoh that they were fled, and this determined him and his servants to get ready and pursue after them, as they did with a great army, Ex 14:5-9, which when the Israelites saw, it put them in great fear, and set them to murmuring and complaining against Moses for bringing them out of Egypt, Ex 14:10,11,12, who desired them to be still and quiet, and they should see the salvation of the Lord, Ex 14:13,14, and he is bid to order the people to go on in their journey, and to take his rod and stretch it over the sea and divide it, that Israel might pass through it on dry ground, and the Egyptians follow them, whereby God would be honoured and glorified, Ex 14:15-18, upon which the Angel of the Lord in a pillar of cloud removed from before there, and went behind them for their protection, Ex 14:19,20, and Moses stretching out his hand over the sea, and a strong east wind blowing upon it, the waters divided and the Israelites went into it, and the Egyptians followed them, but their host being troubled by the Lord, and their chariot wheels taken off, they found themselves in great danger, and were thrown into a panic, Ex 14:20-25 and upon Moses's stretching out his hand again over the sea, the waters returned, and Pharaoh and his host were drowned, but the Israelites passed through safely, as on dry land, Ex 14:26-29, which great work of the Lord being observed by them, influenced their fear of him, their faith in him and his servant Moses, Ex 14:30,31.

Esodo 14 Commentaries

The Giovanni Diodati Bible is in the public domain.