What does the Bible say about Goodness? Scriptures in both the New and Old Testament tell us of the goodness of God. It is who He is and He created us to show His goodness to those around us. We can see God's goodness every single day - in how He guides us, protects us, and favors us. The goodness of God is a promise that believers can rely on.
The below Bible verses about goodness will help you understand it's meaning and significance of in your life. Let's pray this together and thank God for His goodness: I thank you for allowing me to wake up every morning. Please help me to slow down in the midst of my busy life. Allow me to see your goodness in every day, no matter how big or small. Help me to acknowledge your blessings immediately when they are poured out upon me. Thank you for your protection and guidance. Help me to listen carefully and discern your voice whispering to my heart in answer to my prayers. Rejoice in my happiness when you say yes, help me see the reasons why you say, “no,” and give me the patience and wisdom I need for when you say, “wait.” Help me to walk in alignment to your goodness and shine it into the world for all who need it. Allow me to see the abundance of your goodness in my life, and others lives every day. In Jesus name. Amen. (Carrie Lowrance)